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  •  S.S. Instruments Pvt. Ltd.

       Material Testing Instruments
ISO 9001:2008 Certifited   

Conditioning Chamber (with Humidity)

Test Samples are required to condition at regulated temperature and humidity conditions before the actual test. The conditioning helps reduce the variation in results due to external environmental conditions. &


hmi loi s
Limiting Oxygen Index (HMI Model)

Critical limiting Oxygen Index apparatus is used for determining the minimum percentage of Oxygen required to just support flaming combustion of a material at room temperature in FTA mode or at Higher Temperat


Cold Chamber Vertical Model
Cold Chamber (Vertical Model)

When the Cables / Electrical Equipments are subjected top extreme cold for a considerable duration of time, they may become hardened and stiff. Such hardness and stiffness cause cracking of the insulation or sh


Flammability for Foam
Flammability Test for Upholstery

A standard test rig is constructed from fabric and foam to form a simulated chair with the back at a right angle to the base. This enables the ignition source to be kept in permanent contact with both back and


Glass Chimney for LOI
Glass Chimney For LOI Test Apparatus

Double walled Borosilicate Glass Chimney provides the ideal test environment for testing Limiting Oxygen Index for at both ambient as well as elevated temperature. Salient Features       G


Sample Die for LOI
Sample Die for Limiting Oxygen Index

Correct and accurate sample is necessary for result accuracy and repeatability. The Sample Die is designed to produce equal sized samples for testing Limiting oxygen Index Test Apparatus.   Salie


Ultra Low Cold Chambers

When the Cables / Electrical Equipments are subjected top extreme cold for a considerable duration of time, they may become hardened and stiff. Such hardness and stiffness cause cracking of the insulation or sh


Hot Water Bath

SSI Hot Water Bath are designed to maintain uniform Temperature across the complete chamber and provide controlled enviroment for Heating, Curing, or testing various properties under elevated temperature of wat


Limiting Oxygen Index
Limiting Oxygen Index

Limiting Oxygen Index / Critical Limiting Oxygen Index apparatus is used for determining the minimum percentage of Oxygen required to just support flaming combustion of a material at room temperature in FTA mod


OIl Fume Tester
Oil Fume Density Tester

Smoke Density Apparatus is used for measuring & observing the relative amount (Density) of smoke produced by the heating / burning (combustion) or decomposition of Oil and oil based material etc. under cont


Color Fastness to Day Light Exposure

The Test is designde to test the evpouration or fading of color when exposed to direct sunlight.   Salient Features Constrution :  Aluminum / Mild Steel Body with wooden / aycralic battens Top


Hot Air Oven

SSI Ovens are designed to maintain uniform Temperature across the complete chamber and provide controlled enviroment for Heating, Curing, Drying or testing various properties under elevated temperature.  


LOI Digital Flowmeter
Limiting Oxygen Index (Digital Flow)

Critical limiting Oxygen Index apparatus is used for determining the minimum percentage of Oxygen required to just support flaming combustion of a material at room temperature in FTA mode or at Higher Temperatu


Vacuum Oven with Digital Vacuum Gauge Ex
Vacuum Oven with Digital Vacuum Controller

SSIPL vacuum ovens are required in almost every institution for drying, moisture removal by heating in vacuumed environment. Salient Features       Model : SSI 558 VOC (Vacuum Oven Cylindrical Model


Flammability for textile as per ISO
Flammability as per ISO 15025

The  ISO test serves as a preliminary indication of Textile /  plastics material acceptability for use as part of a device or appliance with respect to its flammability. The test is conducted in a Five sided


Toxicity instrument
Toxicity Test Apparatus

Any compound when burned emits a cocktail of gases, which are harmful to humans. The significant of these gases is increased if the area under fire is compact and can have serious effects on humans and other ma


Flammability as per ASTM
Flammability as per ASTM (Vertical Burning)

The ASTM test serves as a preliminary indication of Textile /  plastics material acceptability for use as part of a device or appliance with respect to its flammability. The material is kept vertical to the f


Ageing Oven as per IS
Thermal Ageing Oven as per IEC & IS

Thermoplastic and Poly vinyl Chloride substances when exposed to heat undergo many types of physical and chemical changes. The extent and type of change that takes place depends upon the severity of exposure of


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